
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Is it good to drink lemon water?

Lemon is known to be good for health. However, nutritional epidemiology experts say that taking lemon with fresh water has more benefits. Especially those who do not drink enough fresh water, adding some lemon juice in a glass of water and drinking that water has many benefits.

* Drinking lemon juice in warm water without sugar improves digestion. Nutrients in lemon stimulate the digestive juices in the stomach and help in digestion of food.

* The C- Vitamin in this water protects against certain types of diseases – especially colon cancer. Keeps the skin healthy. Increases metabolism and helps in weight loss. It boosts immunity and protects against colds and fevers. * Magnesium and potassium in lemon control BP
Prevents heart diseases by keeping Prevents blood sugar from rising. Moreover, they prevent the accumulation of harmful bacteria in the stomach. Lemon also has properties that prevent the formation of kidney stones. Oregon State University experts say.

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