
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Stomach can burn! (Couple fight Causes)

Some couples fight every now and then. Therefore, not only mentally, the body also sags, researchers say. Due to frequent fights there is a risk of diseases like depression as well as heart diseases and diabetes. Moreover, the bacteria in the stomach enters the blood and the problem of inflammation also occurs, say Ohio State University experts. For this they selected 43 healthy couples. The relationship between them was thoroughly examined. Later, some of them further provoked the differences of opinion and took a video of their fight without them knowing. Even before and after the fight, when their blood was collected and tested, traces of bacteria were found in the blood of couples who had a serious fight along with undigested food. This means that the walls of the intestine are very thin and they enter the blood, so fighting hard causes the leakage of the packets and thus inflammation.

So be careful.

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