
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

English Prepositions: IN And ON

English Prepositions: IN And ON

In — Inside

Use the preposition IN to describe something that is inside an enclosed space with limits:

The books are in the box.
There are three people in the photo.
The rice is in the bowl.
I felt a pain in my stomach.
There are some interesting facts in the article.
The keys are in my pocket.

On — On A Surface

Use the preposition ON to describe something that is resting on a surface:

The books are on the table.
The photo is on the wall.
The rice is on the plate.
I have a tattoo on my leg.
There’s an error on page 5 of the article.
The T-shirt has a rainbow on it.

In— Seasons, Months, Years
I like to ski in the winter.
My birthday is in September.
He was born in 1988.

On — Days And Dates

I have a doctor’s appointment on Thursday.
The semester begins on September 1st.
They met each other on New Year’s Eve.

Be careful!
My anniversary is in August.
My anniversary is on August 7.
 For specific days use ON.

In — Neighborhoods, Cities, States, Countries

He bought a house in the city center.
I want to live in Miami.
Did you have a good time in California?
We have several friends in Germany.

On — Street Names

The bank is on KVR Rao Street.
I live on Market Avenue.

In — Cars, Taxis, Trucks, Vans

There were four people in the car.
The boxes are in the van.
Our group won’t fit in one taxi; we’ll have to take two.

On — Boats, Planes, Trains, Buses, Bicycles

You need to get on the express bus.
He started feeling sick on the train.
I sat next to a celebrity on the plane.
She fell off the bicycle, but got right back on and kept riding.
We’ll have lunch on the boat.

Expressions With IN
in love
Dhruva is in love with Radha

in trouble
I got in trouble when I borrowed my mother’s jewelry without asking permission.

in a good/bad mood
Stay away from Hari – he’s in a bad mood today.

Expressions With ON

on TV (or just “on”)
My favorite show is on at 9 PM.

on hold = when you have to wait during a phone call
What terrible customer service. I’ve been on hold for 30 minutes!

on my mind = when something is occupying your thoughts
I can’t concentrate on my work because I have other problems on my mind.

on fire
Don’t get too close to the flames; your clothes could catch on fire.

on drugs/medication
She’s on medication to help treat her depression.

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