
Showing posts with label COLLOCATIONS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COLLOCATIONS. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


A familiar grouping of words which appears together because of their habitual use and thus creating the same meaning is called collocation.

Heavy rain✅
Big rain❌
Strong rain❌

Collocations are words that are generally used together. 
వీటిని కలిపే ఉపయోగించాలి.

make a crime❌,
do a mistake❌
Knock a record❌,
Quick food❌

Commit a crime✅,
make a mistake✅,
break a record✅,
fast food. ✅

A compound word is a combination of two or more words that function as a single unit of meaning.
రెండు లేదా మూడు words కలిసిపోయి, ఒకే meaning ఇస్తాయి. ఆ words ను వేరు వేరు గా చూసినపుడు వాటి అర్థం కూడా వేరేగ ఉంటుంది.

There are three different types of compound words:

🌀Closed-form: Two words are joined together to create a new meaning (firefly, softball, redhead, keyboard, makeup, notebook).
🌀Hyphenated form: Words are joined together by a hyphen (daughter-in-law, over-the-counter, six-year-old).
🌀Open form: Words are open but when reading together, a new meaning is formed (post office, real estate, full moon).


Binomial pair It's an expression comprised of two words that are joined by a conjunction. These two words are usually 'and' or 'or' and the word order is fixed.
రెండు పదాలు and లేదా or చేత కలపబడిఉంటాయి. వాటి word order మారదు.
Safe and sound
Sooner or later
Part and parcel
Sick and tired
By and large
Give or take
Up and down
More or less
On and off
Odds and ends
cup and saucer

వాటి word order మార్చకూడదు👇👇
Sound and safe❌
Later or sooner❌
Parcel and part❌