
Showing posts with label For good sleep.... Show all posts
Showing posts with label For good sleep.... Show all posts

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

For good sleep...

Many people have trouble sleeping properly due to not eating properly at night. Such people should follow these tips!

Grandmas are known to say softly, 'Drink warm milk and go to bed... you will sleep better'. Knowingly or unknowingly, it is true. Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that the body cannot make itself.
It stimulates the hormone serotonin. That serotonin is converted into melatonin, which leads to better sleep.

* Nutrients in almonds helps to increase the level of melatonin, a sleep- inducing hormone.

* Bananas are high in nutrients like tryptophan, magnesium... Both of these also increase the secretion of melatonin which induces sleep. Moreover, bananas are high in carbohydrates, so eating them makes you feel full.

* Honey is also high in tryptophan. That is why it is good to drink a tablespoon of honey while sleeping.