
Showing posts with label Long life to those who spend a little time in the day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Long life to those who spend a little time in the day. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Long life to those who spend a little time in the day

Experts say that stretching can have a long- lasting effect on muscle strength, so it's okay to do some daily activities

New York: Sitting all day is bad for health, but there are no benefits. Some of today's lifestyle diseases are caused by sitting for hours. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, back problems, and infertility are all greatly affected by sitting for long periods of time. That's why every Doctors advise to get up and walk for 2-3 minutes every half an hour or once an hour. What is the point of sitting too long? Don't think it's just leg pain. Doctors suggest that you can live longer by sitting for some time in the day. Exercise Physiologist Christopher Travers of Cleveland Clinic Sports Hell in Cleveland, America says this. His suggestion is to sit for at least three hours a day. 'Compared to sitting, standing has a significant effect on our life span. One of the important benefits of this is muscle movement. This strengthens the muscles.
Calories from sugars are dissolved. Insulin sensitivity increases. "It's good for heart health in the long run," says Maylord Howell of Dean's Crash Fit in New York. Their suggestion is to make sitting a habit a habit. If you want to go and drink water yourself, drink tea or coffee, drink if you have to wait somewhere, drink while you are on a phone call or talk while walking around... You can increase the time spent drinking with such actions. Another suggestion is to set up a desk where you can work. It is said that productivity will also increase due to this. That's not all. Regular walking for an hour can improve health.