
Showing posts with label Word Of The Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Word Of The Day. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2024

learning..English.. Word Of The Day

Word Of The Day

= a person who frequently drops things; clumsy person.

తరచుగా వస్తువులను పడేసే/ జారవిడిచే వ్యక్తి

Ex: "Butterfingers!" she called as I dropped the hot plates.

English Expressions

In no time (at all)
✅In less than no time

》Very quickly or very soon.
》Almost immediately.

చాలా త్వరగా లేదా అతి త్వరలో/

▪︎👉Wait there, I'll be with you in no time!
▪︎👉Turn left and then join the group, and we'll be at home in less than no time.



Know when to shush! 

Pronunciation tweaks:
ISLAND .  ఐలాండ్
The 's' is silent

If you pronounce the 's' then people may think you're talking about Iceland

Other silent 's's: 

🔸 debris - డెబ్రి
🔸 isle - ఐల్
🔸 apropos - ఆప్రపోవ్
🔸 chassis - ఛాసి
🔸 bourgeois - బోజ్వా
🔸 Illinois - ఇల్లనోయ్l


BY: by mistake, by accident, by chance, day by day, step by step, by bus/train/car, by the way.

IN: in fact, in case, in love, in time, in the morning/afternoon/evening.

ON: on television, on holiday, on a trip, on foot.

AT: at home/work, at night, at present.


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Word Of The Day

Word Of The Day

attire (noun - formal): clothes, especially elegant or formal ones.

Example: Everyone was dressed in formal evening attire.